This certificate from Dun & Bradstreet Hrvatska certifies that the business entity fulfils the international standard of excellence in creditworthiness and belongs to the highest order of excellence in creditworthiness in Croatia. The business entity meets the criteria for excellence in creditworthiness in 2024, and is one of the most reliable business entities in Croatia, entitled to use the internationally recognized Silver Creditworthiness status, which represents the global standard of excellence in creditworthiness.
Podjetja s srebrno bonitetno odličnostjo poslujejo izjemno in imajo zelo nizko verjetnost, da bodo v prihodnjih dvanajstih mesecih zabeležila katerega od naslednjih negativnih dogodkov:
Gospodarski subjekti s srebrno bonitetno odličnostjo AAA imajo kar 91% verjetnost, da bonitetno odličnost ohranijo tudi v naslednjem letu.